Blueberry & Venison Salad

You Will Need:
75g pearl barley
1 garlic clove
Handful of rosemary leaves
2 wild venison minute steaks
125g blueberries
1 lemon
1 red onion
1 orange
100g baby leaf spinach
Salt & Pepper
4 tsp olive oil
Place the pearl barley into a small pan and fill with water to cover it. Add a pinch of salt. Cover & bring to the boil, then turn the heat right down and simmer for 15-20 mins till the barley is tender, stirring occasionally.
Whilst the pearl barley is simmering, peel and crush the garlic clove & chop the rosemary leaves, finely. Place the venison steaks in a dish and pierce a few times with a fork. Rub the crushed garlic and rosemary into the venison with a pinch of salt and pepper and 2 tsp olive oil. Set aside to marinate.
To make the blueberry dressing, add half of the blueberries into a blender along with 2 tsp of oil, the juice of half a lemon & seasoning. Blend until you have a thick, smooth dressing. (If you don't have a blender, you can just crush the blueberries in a bowl with a fork instead & whisk in the other ingredients).
Remove the skin & pith from the orange and break into segments. Add the segments to a bowl with leftover blueberries & spinach, then set aside for later.
Heat a frying pan with a tsp on oil to a high heat & cook the steaks for 3-5 mins on each side (cook for longer if the steaks are thicker than 3cm or if you prefer them to be well done). Once cooked, place onto a warmed plate & cover with foil, leaving to rest.
Peel & thinly slice the onion then add to the frying pan for 5 mins. Spoon out into the salad bowl.
Your pearl barley should now be ready so drain & add this also to the salad bowl & coat with half of the dressing, mixing to coat everything evenly. Divide between 2 warm plates & top with the sliced venison steaks. Drizzle the remaining dressing over & Enjoy!